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(PDF) PROCEEDING BOOK OF 3RD ICSAR 25 – 26 December Konya, Turkey Dr. Al ye ÖZENOĞLU. Dr. Kemal Kaan TEKİNŞEN. Dr. Mehmet BAYRAKTAR. Prof. This paper deals with Psychology of women and the causes of decline mental health among Pakistani women and family support system which. Doç. Dr. Al ŞİMŞEK. Doç. Dr. Al ye ÖZENOĞLU. Prof. Prof. escort-bayan-linda-perez-iran-escortlaronline-bakirkoy-escortkopya× – escortbayanŞit, F. Özkan - Mastalji şikayeti ile meme polikliniğine başvuran hastaların retrospektif değerlendirmesi. Therefore, the study aimed to understand the association of parity as a risk factor for maternal depression in a cross-sectional survey. Capoglu, E. Çabuk, G. Celik, A.
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