Turk J Hematol: 25 4 Volume: 25 Issue: 4 - All these problems can potentially require therapeutic apheresis. The important areas that GFP is used are expression levels of different genes in different organisms by inserting GFP in these genes and as a marker in living cells. In this study, we tried to optimize transfection of mesenchymal stem cells, MSCs used for regeneration of damaged tissues in animals, by GFP containing plasmid vector by which MSCs can be followed in vivo. On the other hand, leaving the chemical transfection agents in the medium induced apoptosis after a while. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus infections in these patients in a University Hospital. METHODS: Multi-transfused 66 children 59 acute leukemia, 6 thalassemia major, 1 severe hereditary spherocytosis diagnosed and followed-up between May, and December, were evaluated. Serologic studies of leukemic patients were also repeated at the end of the chemotherapy. Hepatitis B vaccination was administered to unvaccinated patients with anemia. All blood products were provided by Blood Bank of the Center. CD4 and CD8 counts were determined by flow cytometry; hematocrit was determined using Hawksley micro-capillary tubes; total WBC and differential counts were determined manually with the improved Neubauer counting chamber; and TLC was obtained by multiplying the percentage of lymphocytes by the total WBC count. In both sexes, however, these parameters were found to be highest in healthy HIV sero-negative subjects and lowest in AIDS subjects, with HIV sero-positive subjects having intermediate values. In addition, the results also apparently suggest that the prognostic value of CD8 count Side bay osman eskort limited and that of TLC possibly sex-dependent. The results could be of importance in our environment since previous reports have been relatively scarce. The control group consisted of 60 healthy Side bay osman eskort 30 M, 30 F. This may be helpful in assessing the prognosis and follow-up evaluation of patients with beta-thalassemia minor. In this article, we present the major cytogenetic findings regarding AML and review their clinical significance for achievement of the first complete remission. Conventional cytogenetics and FISH were performed on bone marrow cells. The patients with AML were assigned to 12 Side bay osman eskort according to established data for cytogenetic, molecular and general laboratory results. Genellikle iyi huylu bir monoklonal gamopati ile; nadiren de miyelomatoz ile birlikte olur. Scleredema of Buschke is a rare fibromucinous connective tissue disorder of unknown etiology. It is often associated with a benign monoclonal gammopathy and rarely with myelomatosis. We report a case of scleredema-associated IgA myeloma with myelofibrosis in a year-old male patient. Scleredema generally affects young adults and onset of associated monoclonal gammopathy is at a younger age than when not associated with scleredema. However, presentation at a much younger age 24 years in our case is very unusual. Although mucin deposition in the bone marrow has been reported in scleredema, to the best of our knowledge, myelofibrosis has not been reported. The diagnosis of DDMS was based on findings including left facial asymmetry, left hemiparesis, mental retardation, right cerebral hemiatrophy, dilatation of the ipsilateral lateral ventricle and calvarial thickening. The patient developed hepatosplenomegaly, gingival hypertrophy and pancytopenia. After induction chemotherapy, remission was obtained. This report discusses the clinical presentation, histopathologic and immunologic features, and diagnosis of this malignancy. In authors and institutes In titles and abstracts In keywords In all. Hide Abstracts. Significance of molecular-cytogenetic aberrations for the achievement of first remission in de novo acute myeloid leukemia Milena G. VelizarovaEvgueniy A. Hadjiev, Kamelia V. Alexandrova, Dora N. Popova, Ivanka Dimova, Boriana M. The use of high-dose acyclovir in patients with hematological malignancies who develop herpes virus infections: Is it really safe? In authors and institutes. In titles and abstracts. In keywords.
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